Our Story
Pork Production & Family Farming
Keesecker Agri Business is a family owned pork producer with over 60 years of farrow-to-finish experience. Dale Keesecker started his love of pigs with 2 sows in FFA. He started the company in 1957 and incorporated it in 1974. We have a 1,700 sow confinement unit and cultivate over 5,000 acres of crops in cooperation with family. Production phases include breeding, farrowing, nursery, and finishing (3MK Pork LLC). Dale established 3MK Pork LLC with his 3 daughters in 1992 which is made up of finisher pigs. On the Agriculture side the commodities cultivated include wheat, soybeans, corn, milo, and sometimes sunflowers. All commodities are 99% no-till farming. Forty percent of grain fed to hogs is grown and harvested by KAB. The other 60% is met by purchasing grain from local farmers. First and foremost, the pigs are the most important part of our job. They give the business a reason to be! Second is FAMILY! Our leaders strive to not only know you but also know a little bit about your family. We recognize our employees work achievements and congratulate them on their personal achievements! We are a family. We are an employer that cares. Passion, dedication, integrity, and loyal are just a few words to describe our employees and leaders.